This is where it starts. With all things taken into consideration it's likely downhill from here. That's fine, whoever enjoyed going uphill anyway?
I know what you're thinking. Yes, this did scar me for life. But for the sake of being eye catching, mildly humorous or weirdly unsettling, I'm hoping that the above image has got you this far down the rabbit hole that you want to read on. I have no aim for this from the start, I hope that it will grow organically and grip you in ways to keep you coming back the next time or make you exclaim:
"OMG - That's like totally the story of my life"
"Lloyd is very bright. However he needs to pay more attention in class."
The above is the quote that was copied and pasted into every report I ever had at school. However I have noticed over time that this applies to great deal of other aspects of my life. My fiancee, for example, holds me in high enough regard that we have been together and happily in love for eight years, however this is in part due to her incredibly patient, caring and, most importantly, forgiving nature. If not for this I am sure that they would never find my body.
Where did you get that from?
I grew up in Bristol with everything a white, middle class English boy would ever dream of: a Mum, Dad, Brother and Sister, and a healthy serving of middle child syndrome. My parents did everything in their power to give me everything I could need to succeed and be happy. "Well" I thought, "I'll show them."
I chose to spend most of my time as a child honing my skills as a professional recluse. Clearly, this was the healthy thing to do for the majority of my key years of development and have had no negative impact of my personality, mental well-being or general social skills to date*
Okay, you got me this time. To say that I make life easy for myself would be a lie and as much as I want to use this format in the future to delve into that deeper on a personal level, I'm going to leave it there and retain some level of longevity to the blog. Can't put out on a first date after all...
But wait there is more...
This blog is more than just an ode to my ego and my constant need for a self esteem boost. I am a massive Comic, Science Fiction and general popular culture fan and to that end I will also use this as a base to share my personal thoughts, opinions and interactions within that area.
I am also an aspiring fiction writer and hope to share my works in progress with you in hope of developing my style and inflating my opinion of myself. No pressure.
To that end, enjoy the Blog - I hope you enjoy your stay. Feel free to point out the grammar mistakes too, otherwise ill never learn.
Love the photo of you and Donald... soooo cute. It reads very well Lloyd I’m loving it so far x
Love the Edmundson’s
(Becci & Jamie)